Monday, February 15, 2010

My career options -- also Saylor totally has an Italian villa.

Is this sad or is it empowering because she is taking back the microwave as an appliance for people who cook?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Annie, Dan, Evan, and I were talking about how the Greek gods were immortal celebrities, so naturally we made a list of equivalent modern celebrities. I like to think that they make sense if you think about them long enough.

Zeus - Either Denzel Washington or George Clooney (Denzel is maybe too much of a family man)

Hera - Meryl Streep (intersection of Julie and Julia and The Devil Wears Prada)

Poseidon - Kayne West (full of himself)

Hades - Christopher Walken (big creep)

Demeter - Sheryl Crow (basically she is tan and had that one video where she was sitting in the sun)

Hestia - Kathy Bates

Aphrodite - J-Lo (curvaceous!)

Apollo - Brad Pitt (so blond)

Ares - Mel Gibson (angers easily)

Artemis - Teagan and Sara (Annie and I were thinking that Freja Beha Erichsen might also have worked, so perhaps we were just thinking of lesbians. Anyway, Freja is probably too skinny to lead a hunt for too long.)

Athena - Tina Fey

Hephaestus - Nicolas Cage (kind of deformed [we could have also said Mickey Rourke!])

Hermes - Justin Timberlake (seems like he would enjoy a prank)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Evan's cousin is working with ligerz this summer.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

some pictures of Evan with my hair